Films and Exhibitions

How to fix a lift

in collaboration with Bridget Kenny, installation view, 2022

The Busiest Airline in Africa

installation view, 2021

On the horizon of a blue house by the sea

in collaboration with Helena Chavez Mac Gregor, 2021, 12 mins 24 secs.

SG, 59 Joubert Street, Johannesburg

2020, 10 mins 30 secs

Land is the Air

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2019, 30 mins

A Button Without a Hole

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2019, 30 mins

Working the Land

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Welcome to Frontier Country

Sign Post, 2017


2017, 14 mins 17 secs

The Island

New industrial park development, Masowe, Maseru, 2014

Without Light

2016, 11 mins 17 secs

Lazy Nigel

2015, 13 mins 41 secs

Calvin and Holiday

2014, 13 mins 47 secs


2013, 13mins 52 secs

Sunday Light

2013, 13 mins 14 secs


2014, 1 hour 21 mins 22 secs